
World Cup Wobbles after Covid-19 scare as Aronian and others withdraw; Concerns for Caruana

It’s a pity that Aronian has Covid-19, but great for the rest of news.
In New Zealand, Covid19 went off very soon. Our schools were opened and we have the lessons in our school: History, English, Maori, Math ( So hard ), science, sport and music.
OH NO! I'll hope in the world, Covid goes off very soon.
My friend Helen told to me in Paris, her city, coronavirus on 18 May 2021 went off. And their school were opened. And she is enjoying chess matches. She always fans of Magnus CARLSEN, Laura UNUK, Laura JANZELJ, and Alireza FIROUZJA.
Magnus CARLSEN and LAURA UNUK will be the champions of this FIDE world cup and the matches.
was reading with sadness for the players who had to withdraw the tournament, but then "reset the counter" made me laugh so hard.
What a shame Aronian had to withdraw :( he’s a great player who will be missed in this tournament. His creativ brand of play is an excellent watch. Coronavirus is something no-one likes, and I really am for tournaments to go to OTB. Anyways, good luck everyone still playing and I hope there will be more exciting games! :D

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