
Search "user:HungLow"

32 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - takebacks#13

how do i close a thread? i get that many of us are inclined towards replying because it's a yay/nay thingy and at the end of the day everyone is entitled to their own opinion.

General Chess Discussion - takebacks#6

yeah u guys can do u. i always give takebacks even if my opponent has mate. if it was otb i'd be all touch move rule but meh online chess is for the lolz, no need to be too competitive. My point is we…

General Chess Discussion - takebacks#1

We all slip / play when on no sleep sometimes and is a takeback too much to ask? I really dont like it when players have poor sportsmanship and dont allow takebacks at all regardless of the move(espec…

General Chess Discussion - Lovin' it!#1

As the filthy casual chess patzer who sits on 1400 on every other chess site except this one, i've played a ton here and have been enjoying the many features available to me like the engine analysis, …

Lichess Feedback - lag#4

#2 at least .1 second ;loss per premove it can hit .3~1.5 easy and if it hangs i just give up like if i lose 6 seconds on a premove in hyperbullet i just give up.

Lichess Feedback - lag#1

hey guys so I started playing hyper bullet, was really slow at first but now that i get the gist of logical premoves, i've become much faster. At first my premoves would take 0 seconds and now with 20…

General Chess Discussion - bug #1

haha i was studying with this guy and we basically typed our plans as we played but ofc nth was to be said about this game it was all theory from my position but i wanted to check out the cpu analysis…

General Chess Discussion - how do i beat an engine?#13

#12 YES THE MOST CONSTRUCTIVE COMMENT. so i can practice forcing draws with an engine hmm the winning part it only works against the weaker engines like Chess Free app on my phone i use it to play fri…

General Chess Discussion - how do i beat an engine?#7

#6 he goes on and off with his engine was pretty obvious cause he'll jump at some tactics with similar time/ moves. it's inconvenient to type fr me cause my keyboard is jammed

General Chess Discussion - how do i beat an engine?#1

I played a game against this player and he went on and off with his engine i know strong players can draw/win against engines easily (maybe not win easily) so how can i get a draw against an engine/ e…
