

We all slip / play when on no sleep sometimes and is a takeback too much to ask? I really dont like it when players have poor sportsmanship and dont allow takebacks at all regardless of the move(especially castling slips!) I mean this doesn't have to be enforced like all takebacks must be accepted but give your opponent a break guys. we're all human wouldnt u feel nice if u got to a takeback after slipping a completely winning game away in 1 move?
Just saying, it's online chess the ratings dont matter what matters is we all have fun.
In rated games, takeback is disable for me.
But if it's casual game, takeback can be possible, it's not so important than rated games.
´´when you touch a piece , you must move it´´ in online chess , if you do a mouseslip .........
I have the same opinion as you HungLow, I always allow takebacks, and also even give a draw if the only way to win for me is on time (with 5 sec on the opponents clock e.g.). Unfortunately, 90% of the players here never ever return the favor, so you either have to stick with it (meaning you do the same, to get the points back you lose slipping by yourself), or you just do it of pure sportmanship regardless of the opponent. But it is assured you can't change the behaviour of other players :(
I do not accept takeback and do not ask for them. It is player's responsibility to make a proper move, we all are in the same conditions.
yeah u guys can do u. i always give takebacks even if my opponent has mate. if it was otb i'd be all touch move rule but meh online chess is for the lolz, no need to be too competitive.
My point is we all have bad days and it sucks to have a bad day exacerbated cause of 1 move on online chess.
The question is just- do you play chess for fun and beating your opponent with your ideas, or do you play chess just for winning and bragging about your stats. If you the later, then of course playing on time, accepting every blunder of your opponent (either mistakes or technical issues) is the way to go. If you are the former, then you don't get anything by sudden wins, since you will never know if your strategy would have worked. You don't get any kind of experience, and even less fun, just more points and rating (and btw, you are NOT playing stronger, just have a higher number at you name). It's up to you what you want to have for your time. And to you HungLow, it's up to you to decide what YOU want to play, and it doesn't matter what your opponent decides to do.
Have fun!
#7 LOL that's easy for you to say, Mr 2400!

My TBs are turned off because there are always people who take the piss asking for a takeback in 0+1 games :D
I will never ask for a takeback. If someone asks for a takeback i will only give it if it is obvious they dropped the piece on wrong square by mouseslip. Blunders happen and i think they should be punished, allowing takebacks regularly, even in casual games. is not likely to help the player avoid future blunders if he is expecting to be allowed to try again. I play fast time controls and i am of the opinion that noone should ever ask for a takeback in rated bullet or in any game if time shortage was part of the reason for the mistake. If i was playing longer time controls i would probably be more likely to allow takeback, though still i will never ask for a takeback.
Takebacks are okay if mouse slipped during castling or moving a piece. But If they blunder a piece, for example, their knight is attacked and they move a bishop somewhere, then what's the point of A takeback? They will just blunder pieces again in the future and ask for a takeback. I won't help them in otb games.

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