
how do i beat an engine?

I'm glad to see that it's quite simple for #4, Wesley So is 2773 FIDE and lost to Stockfish with knight odds.
> There must be a way to abuse the fact that an engine never makes tactical, strategical & positional mistakes!

Yes there is! The engine will play the same moves in every same position.
Learn a system, try the ideas against the engine to find a winning attack. When you fall into a tactical/positional mistake takeback to a previous solid position and repeat.

Once you find a winning attack, start a new game and apply your winning idea, engine will fall right into it.

You have to play the same system every time so the variations in engine moves will be small. By time you will improve your system for every variation engine goes to.

Once you find a winning advantage, don't worry about converting the position, end game skills etc.

If you get frustrated of losing, try to close the position and build a fortress.
#12 YES THE MOST CONSTRUCTIVE COMMENT. so i can practice forcing draws with an engine hmm the winning part it only works against the weaker engines like Chess Free app on my phone i use it to play friends anyway so i dont really use its engine. i'll try it out and when i finally have a system i'll dig out the cpu assistance players on casual to test my theories
Wait, why should ANYBODY be able to even draw against an engine? You do know that Stockfish nowadays is at least 500 elo stronger than Deep_blue was, which itself beat Kasparov?!
Drawing against an engine without using an engine yourself is impossible. Also the engines today are really strong in strategic positions (not quite as strong as in tactics, but still easily as good as Carlsen) and the won't ever make a mistake.
And the examples above of claimed engine usage are without even evidence for engines, since even the slow lichess Stockfish finds inaccuracies there so no way an engine on a normal computer would play such bad moves.
As already mentioned, if you want to beat an engine, use one too (actually this can be quite interesting, since playing and working with an engine will likely make you learn something from it and become a stronger player yourself).

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