
Would you rather travel to the past or the future?

Would you rather travel to the past or the future???
And why would you???

I think I would go to the past and buy one of Hitler's art pieces for a lot of money to keep him
from becoming a politician.
I think I would also go to the Roman time period and just experience life back then.
To the future. I would search my own grave and then realize that I not only sucked at living, but also at dying.
past cos i would know what was going to happen i could become president of England and go to all the good consorts like 1991 'Monsters of Rock' festival in Moscow by Metallica oh and make Lichess before thibault XD and make 1 sec chess ik its stupid but its funny
in the past. I would like to discover pre-Celtic European civilizations, and then jump back in time to the 18th century to play chess in a real café with Philidor and discuss with the philosophers of the Enlightenment. then I will return to prehistory to admire the first forms of art and language and try to understand the first cultures. why not then go to the 19th century to meet some great minds of that time and then I would have had a good vacation. but in no way would I wish to influence history. nor even go to the future
I really dont think I can change the events of the world, but I think I can change the events of my life. So I would go to the past to tell myself what to do to be better.
As we age we have more and more past and less and less future. So future becomes more scarce, and therefore more valuable.

I'd go forward to see my great-great-great-great-great grandchildren on Proxima Centauri 3.
I'd want to help them know why they are so incredibly good looking.
i would rather watch a movie that took place in the past than watch scinece fiction movies,time travel can happen only in your mind
@Oportunist said in #9:
> i would rather watch a movie that took place in the past than watch scinece fiction movies,time travel can happen only in your mind
That's what they told me back in 1814 too.

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