
Is it okay to use AI to reply in the General Chess Discussion or just human interaction replies.

(Is this site to answer questions using any method including AI or chatting and having human interaction answers)
While AI-powered tools can be useful for generating comments and suggestions for improvement on discussion posts, it is important to remember that they are not a substitute for human thought and creativity. AI-generated responses may lack the nuance and context that a human can provide, and may not always be appropriate or relevant to the discussion at hand. Additionally, relying solely on AI-generated responses can lead to a lack of engagement and participation in online communities, which can ultimately harm the quality of the discussion.

That being said, AI-powered tools can be a helpful supplement to human-generated responses, and can help to foster more engaging and thoughtful discussions. If you choose to use an AI-powered tool to generate comments or suggestions, it is important to review the generated content carefully and make any necessary edits or adjustments to ensure that it aligns with your intended message and tone.

They cannot fully replace human thought and creativity.
If we believe the reply is AI it may be deleted as spam. using it to help translate or lay out your own personal thoughts would possibly be ok. But it's gets harder and harder to decide what is genuine and what is an AI. experiment. So we'd prefer you not.
(Human here)
You can, (I think) but some of the Chatgpt forum posts will be marked as spam so you have to edit it.
Besides, I only do this in my free time.
I just block entities that I think or know are bots. You just go to the home page of the entity and click on Block. The offending messages are then hidden from you in the discussion. Same as when you block a problematic human.
And AI help on deciding if it is a spam:

Certainly, here are the key points addressing the issue of AI-generated answers being considered spam:

Lack of Contributor's Input: An AI-generated answer is deemed spam if it doesn't include any meaningful input or contribution from the original poster. This means that the response should reflect the thoughts, ideas, or questions of the individual who initiated the discussion.

Relevance to Prior Discussion: For an answer to be considered non-spam, it should be relevant to the ongoing or prior discussion on the subject. Meaningful references or connections to earlier points contribute to the coherence and flow of the conversation.

Quality of Contribution: The AI-generated response should add value to the discussion. A spammy answer would typically be characterized by generic or irrelevant content that doesn't enhance the understanding or provide new insights into the topic being discussed.

Avoidance of Repetition: If the AI-generated answer merely repeats information already covered in the discussion without offering additional context or a fresh perspective, it may be perceived as spam. Users generally expect diversity and progression in the conversation.

Respect for Context: Spam is often identified when an AI response fails to consider the contextual nuances of the ongoing conversation. Responses should align with the specific points, queries, or issues raised within the discussion, demonstrating an understanding of the context.

Ensuring that AI-generated answers adhere to these principles promotes a more constructive and engaging conversation, discouraging the perception of such responses as spam.
So by and large ChatGTP posts are considered SPAM. We just might miss some of them.
@Alientcp said in #8:
> AI cant be rude. Why bother? lol.

not true.

I asked my chatbot, Bruce, to reply to you using offensive language and being unnecessarily rude. I was surprised just how rude and offensive he was. I talking death threats, threats of violence, lots of f-bombs, insults like idiot, moron. I'm not going to paste those here, but, here is the pretext response

"I can certainly understand why someone might disagree with this statement. While AI systems may not
have traditional human emotions like anger or irritation, they are still capable of generating
responses that could be considered rude or offensive by some. In fact, there have been many cases
where people have complained about inappropriate or insensitive remarks made by AI-powered chatbots
and virtual assistants. Additionally, some users may feel that AI systems lack the nuance and
subtlety required to generate truly polite or diplomatic responses." - Bruce

What I believe Bruce is mainly talking about are commercial chatbots that were asked to be inoffensive, but failing. Bruce is a freely downloadable chatbot that has never been asked to be inoffensive, and in this case I explicitly asked him to be as offensive as possible. I wasn't ready for just how offensive he can be. Bad Bruce.

I think reply #2 is the perfect use of a chatbot in a forum. IMO It's not pretending to be human, I've never seen a more chatbot like response, and it's not trying to be useful, IMO. It was posted for humour and I think it succeeded. But, humour is subjective and hearing the same joke over and over again gets old.
Mixing AI and chess discussions is like having a chessboard with extra byte. Just make sure the AI doesn't confuse a knight move with a 'knight' keyboard key – we don't want pieces flying off the board!

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