
Black Lives Matter

Lets put "equality" into terms that we can all understand. Lets say we want all chess players to be 2000 rated (equal). Now we have a range of players from 1200 - 2800. So one of 2 things need to happen. Either the 2000+ need to donate (help in some way) to get the below 2000 rated players up to the 2000 level so we can all be "equal" at 2000, or the 2000+ player have to help and or support the below 2000 players to get up to their level (and maybe we can all balance out at 2400). But for either of these options to happen we would need to give some (not all) special treatment. But once you say this, then everyone else feels like this is not equality anymore? Why do they get special treatment? Why should I give up my rating? Why note me, me, me, me, me, meeeeee???? So we cant make any progress because everyone just cares about themselves and why shouldnt they?
So we just keep going round and round and nothing ever really happens and nothing every changes.
So basically the notion of "equality" prevents equality!
@Lonerdruid That would be an apt comparison if 2800s had become 2800s by holding some 1200s as slaves and any time the 1200s gained rating the now 2800 rated people took the rating away from the 1200s and added the gains of the 1200s to their own rating.
But generally speaking: Chess ratings shouldn't be subject to equality. Human rights should. You hopefully are able to recognize the difference between chess ratings and human rights.
But @Chillkroete77 did the 2800s not gain rating somewhere? From other players in general... did the 2800 not start as a 1000 and take rating from the 1000s at that time in space? Building himself up on the back of others? Isnt this how we get to any high level of anything? In order for you to succeed... others have to fail. This is just how it is no?
Again I am trying to just dumb this down to the super basics (i am not saying this is a simple thing - duh).
@Toadofsky Tell those hooligans to pay for a ticket like the rest of the fans, and stop asking for a hand out.
@lurarose hahahahahahahahaha you ACTUALLY think the US military spreads freedom hahaha imagine

Black people don't hate other black people nearly enough to want to sic the war machine on them. The involvement of the US military abroad mostly consists of ruining millions of lives in the name of US interest. In fact, the US and France created the massive Libyan slave trade!

Your fundamental view of the world is wrong and prevents you from forming rational opinions.
@Hierophantc4 "America spreads its tentacles across the whole globe"

Finally we agree on something.

I wonder how much of the US Govt's $47 Billion per year "Global Information Warfare" budget is spent on promoting BLM around the world to distract and confuse? Hillary Clinton was the architect of this new propaganda expansion program, and appealed to Congress for the huge funding budget on camera a few years ago. Trump, of course, has come around to support almost every bad policy Bush/Obama/Hillary ("The Swamp") initiated (including expansion of "The Wall")
Yeah so in image 1 is basically where we are at right now in the world?
Image 2 is the option of people having to sacrifice things in order to help the less fortunate or people below them to get up to a decent level.
Image 3 is the powers that be, giving up their power so that everyone can see the game. But why would they ever want to do that? They are not suffering from others not being able to see the game? They getting paid yo! lol

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