
Lichess v2 is here

@ioxod friend what are you defending ? There is a lot mistakes and bugs , I don't have a big problem with bugs but there isn't for example the rating of each variant in any player profile and their best victories and a lot of other essential things that are missing , so in the end I want to say that version 2 needed more time and more work on it before being applied
The version 2 people are saying let us go forward guys why you don't want to go forward ? I say : every body want to go forward but when we see version 2 missing a lot of essential things with no obvious progress we really see that the going forward is to go back to version 1
@ioxod Your message, while I'm sure it's not your intentions, sounds very hostile. You appear to be ungrateful of genuine feedback and concern to participate.

Your attitude probably makes many afraid to speak. No one wants to be told they are not welcome. I don't know if you are the manager and have the power to excel me for speaking and offering to help.

I am very grateful. I'm so grateful that I offer my experience and wisdom to provide feedback. You speak as if one person is burden to provide for many 10's of thousands of people. It's hard for one person to think of everything. I don't know who the one person is, but I'm very grateful for the site. I have a lot of praise for it. It's not perfect, but I believe it's the best out here at this time. If people are able to be honest and comfortable to give feedback I'm sure it will help the one person a lot.

Someone posted that we should provide more money to bring in more people to contribute to the development. I'll gladly do that and just about anything else as gratitude.

I'm not grumpy. Your message sounds like you might be a little grumpy.

Your suggestion concerning thinking before typing is a good one. I spend a lot of time thinking before I type. I also apply the things I say back to me and trying to think how I would feel if someone was saying those things to me.

I am a developer and have been one for longer than anyone I know. I appreciate honest feedback for the products that I provide. I sometimes cook and provide meals and social events for friends and family and the community. I hope that I can get honest feedback for how I'm doing with a lot of the things I generously do for other people.

I hope before you bash me too hard that you will think about how you would feel if someone said the things to you that you might say to me after reading my message. I really mean to be sincere and amicable.

While one person can be a genius and think of many things... which is already proven by the success of this site, which you say is being run by and provided by one person. Let's imagine how things could be if more could get on track and contribute.

The one person may have felt the site wasn't totally perfect and chose to work on making things better. I really believe he's still doing the same thing now... working to make things better.

-- L. James

L. D. James
@apollothethird You make it sound like there's just the Web UI and the database, while in reality there's lots of code "between" in. Just look at how many files and lines were changed for v2. Keeping up v1 next to v2 is not just about having the same database, it's also about managing two websites simultaneously.

If you use a (now) incompatible browser, you're one of < 1 %. Not supporting those browsers allows the development time to be allocated for projects that support more users.
"Thank you OP and everyone who commented. This is a stressing time for me and I appreciate the support.

I would like to emphasize that most of the complaints we can read are legitimate. I did make many mistakes in the release of the new version.
There exist show-stopping regressions and issues, here's just a few of them:
- I overlooked that chrome sometimes fails to properly rasterize SVG unless the element size is a multiple of one pixel. What it means is blurry boards and/or pieces for some people. Lichess v1 worked around it with fixed sizes, of course v2 can't do the same thing, because responsive. I'm still looking for the right solution. It's a very annoying bug since it affects the board itself.
- Edge randomly fails to display pieces. I sent a dirty fix for that this morning, not sure it even works for everyone.
- Some people report lag while dragging pieces. All our effort at reproducing it are in vain at the moment, but we will figure it out somehow.
- Firefox 60 ESR was not supported until yesterday.
- The initial font size (15px) was way too big a leap from v1 (12px). I reduced it to 14px, still quite a radical change.
- Many issues with mobile support.
- Bad communication from me about the new browser requirements.

And many other things that I'm trying to fix as soon as possible.

So let's not dismiss all the negative feedback as being just resistance to change. I think v2 is better, but I know I messed up the transition.

We learn from our mistakes and I'm learning a great deal these days.

Thank you again so much for your support!" Thibault.


I think it is quite clear
It's easy to forget the human behind the computer at times. I know that Lichess is really important to many and I know many who have spoken up want to continue playing the game. However this decision to move to v2 was not an easy one. I'm not a developer and honestly don't know what the difference is between v1 and v2. However I do know the internet is changing fast and things outdate themselves really quickly.

Having used old programs and code before it's incredibly frustrating when wanting to innovate but the old code has many restrictions, flaws and bugs. Just in 10 years we moved on to HTML 5 which was a massive improvement to the internet that allows better web interactions. The more browsers and platforms one must support means even more work for the developer just to maintain consistency. I'm positive the Lichess team would love to have Lichess available for everyone on every system but it's just not possible. It's expensive, time consuming and unfair to the overwhelming majority that can use modern features.

Now I know the change to v2 is sudden. People have legitimate reasons to be upset because it comes with it new bugs, problems and compatibility problems. Even the head developer said that this change is very rough

For those with bug issues with v2 will eventually be fixed with feedback. There is no point getting mad at those who can't play because they lost something they sincerely enjoyed. At least Lichess will remain free and ready for them to play when their circumstance changes.
@thomas547 My browser is on the support list. Most of my references don't have much to do with the browser. Most of the problems that the users are describing doesn't have anything to do with the browser. I have tried to read all me messages in this thread. Most of the messages are describing problems with the actual interface... the size of the fonts, graphics, and other elements.

I read a message concerning developer contributed plugins. I thought there were plugins available. But again, I'm learning. Without asking questions and giving feedback my learning process would be extremely impeded. I did use the API and wrote a java program that I used for my main interface on my computer, but the api changed and I never got around to updating my application to the new api.

I also thought the Mobile application was using the same database... which of course is a totally different application... which still works perfectly just fine.

If there isn't some type of standard and consistency with the database for application developers, that is something that can be considered. I don't think it would be such a bad thing. I'm sure it would make it easier for other developers to take some of the burden off a lone worker.

Thanks to the sharing of the information. I hope I'm not too far off track in trying to be a good contributor to a great facility of the chess community.

-- L. James

L. D. James

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