
Introducing Maia, a human-like neural network chess engine

Wow.... It's very cool... It reminded me Magnus Carlsen app "Play Magnus" there also levels and in general the bot played humanly and imitated Magnus... But this is much better
I just played maia1. After I took their rook, it didn't make any moves and lost on time. 10/10

Not very human like, maybe in the middlegame, but not at all at the endgame. Also the opening was played very professionally. You still know it's a computer... especially threefold repetitions are something engines do a lot. The engine was for sure stronger than 1900, rather about 2000 or more. I was lucky to even draw... More human like than Stockfish but far away from any human.
Play Magnus app doesn't imitate Magnus Carlsen.
"It was developed by a team including Tord Romstad, one of the creators of Stockfish, who said he based the engine on his Stockfish predecessor "Glaurung" to avoid copyright issues with Stockfish itself."
So Play Magnus is just "Glaurung" with different levels like you can play against different Stockfish levels on Lichess.
@Meriten No, this is not entirely true... For example, when I played 28 years old Magnus, he followed his Wesley game for the first 26 moves.From the same year and then turned away (I played like Wesley), that is, he relies on the fact that Magnus played (To me it seems so) It may be based on Stockfish, but it's not exactly Stockfish
Why is Maia1's rating around 1500? Shouldn't it be around 1100 by definition?
Good work Team! I'm just over 1900 and Maia9 is declining all correspondence challenges from me.

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