
Search "user:cezarcamelo"

58 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - using chess960 to measure hability in multisports#3

Thanks, Clarkey. I supposed that. Nice. But the players are amateurs - If them play in stronger levels almost all of them will lose - so I couldn't compare chess performance to another sport (like run…

General Chess Discussion - using chess960 to measure hability in multisports#1

Hi, all. I'm trying use chess (in fact, chess 960) in a multisport competition. In my opinion, lichess IS THE BEST WAY to do it. However, I noticed AI uses random decisions - usual to AI's (I tested i…

Lichess Feedback - chess960 - AI level increases and stockfish level decreases?#6

Thanks a lot! In the future, could I send e-mail to you to talk about this (skill and depth in chess960)?

Lichess Feedback - chess960 - AI level increases and stockfish level decreases?#4

In the code, level 2 is more difficult than level 1, ok? Thanks.

Lichess Feedback - chess960 - AI level increases and stockfish level decreases?#3

Ok - it's little data based rating. So, in the code, level 2 is more difficult than level 1, ok? Thanks.

Lichess Feedback - chess960 - AI level increases and stockfish level decreases?#1

Hi. The problem: AI level - Stockfish level 1 1500 2 1470 3 1542 4 1792

Game analysis - must be some record ;)#4

First: controlaltdelete is a Mate-in-1 - the opponent resigned. Second: he told about chess960 mates. So, I think it's a record. Congratulations.

Lichess Feedback - Whats up with the new graph?#9

Nice feature - smoothed means. I understood at first time that I see - maybe because I'm a Statistician.

Lichess Feedback - Great website#7

Yes - play chess960 against AI and humans. Great!

Lichess Feedback - Stalemate is not a Draw, Stalemates not in stats#2

I agree - stats need stalemate.
