
Great website

Just wanted to thank whoever made this site. It's really neat. Whenever I want to play chess I can just go to Lichess and play without having to register or be troubled by other stuff.
Hey, thanks a lot :)
Spread the word!
Agreed. I love the site. I play like 5 games here every day here. Great work, thibault.
Thibault you are great! Thank you also a lot for the possibility to play chess960
This is definetly one of the (perhaps even the best) simplest and user friendly chess websites out there.
Thanks so much for this website. Thought you should hear from someone who recognizes the excellent job you've done. Keep up the great work!
Just love this site, love the fact that I can just play with anyone n chat with them without either of us bothering to register. This liberty actually made me want to register... I love the fact that
there are no ads :D
Whoever built it has a beautiful soul :)
the quality of this website is outstanding. this is what chess online should be, simple, easy, polished. everything is superb.

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