
Search "user:apsu2323"

73 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - cheater#37

0-0-0 usually means queenside castling nubs! BWAHAHAHAHA chesscaptcha! :D

Lichess Feedback - Draw proposal accepted late#8

I agree that moving should cancel draw offer. This is especially important in quick games. ChessCaptcha! :D

Lichess Feedback - annuler un coup#2

french looks cool chesscaptcha! :D

Lichess Feedback - Lichess gets FEATURED on The Register!#2

Thibault is god I might not even post ever if i didn't get to do a chesscaptcha :D

Game analysis - C41 Philidor Defense#2

2...d5 or 1...e6 or any other set of moves that aren't 1...e5 followed by 2...d6 will avoid. or play all games as white :D chesscaptcha!

Lichess Feedback - Pre Move#2

This happens when you click and drag a piece during your opponent's turn. For example, If you have just opened 1. e4 and, before your opponent moves, click and drag your pawn to d4, you will have made…

Lichess Feedback - Tournament Games#2

I like this idea. Give the people playing the last game time to finish so there's no incentive to wait the tournament timer out. Also, tournament is awesome :D And Chesscaptcha! :D

Lichess Feedback - I find AI level one pretty hard#3

Yeah even low AI isn't easy. I just won a 5/0 against lvl 2, but I had only a few seconds left on the clock where it had 4:53 left. D: < MFW computer is infinitely better at blitz than me CHESSCAPTCHA…

General Chess Discussion - i'm here for trying the capcha#3

I feel ya anon. CHESSCAPTCHA! :D

Game analysis - White (Mr. Pawn) had a little oopsie#3

White opening f3 was a mistake- only notable thing about that game Chesscaptcha! :D
