
Poison Death Shot

@justme23 said in #41:
> I give only verified results. I have seen no deaths no ambulances .I have seen only internet barfs.

Also, how many things have you never experienced and yet still believe exist? This argument is beyond idiotic.
@Sleepy_Gary said in #51:
> Also, how many things have you never experienced and yet still believe exist? This argument is beyond idiotic.
A better question: how this guy has never seen an ambulance?
<Comment deleted by user>
@Sleepy_Gary said in #51:
> Also, how many things have you never experienced and yet still believe exist? This argument is beyond idiotic.

None I don't believe in Santa either
@clousems said in #53:
> A better question: how this guy has never seen an ambulance?

I should have said with a person dying from covid
@justme23 said in #56:
> None I don't believe in Santa either

Imteresting, rare to meet such a diehard skeptic. Are you at all religious?
@justme23 said in #57:
> I should have said with a person dying from covid

Funny antics you have in the States. When an ambulance rushes by here in Germany the driver doesn't stop to tell me what the guy on the stretcher is dying from.
@justme23 said in #57:
> I should have said with a person dying from covid

NSS. They typically don't have a spectator cab attached.

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