
Poison Death Shot

I give only verified results. I have seen no deaths no ambulances .I have seen only internet barfs.
> Don't wanna take lol so that I can die soon hehe but I had covid nothing happened but my aunt having 2 vaccines had covid went to hospital...
Well, vaccine is actually must.
It will also help in boosting immune system.
@justme23 said in #41:
> I give only verified results. I have seen no deaths no ambulances .I have seen only internet barfs.

Interesting, not saying its impossible, but it seems super unlikely unless you're from a small town or only interact with a small number of people. With a small enough social circle you can avoid getting it, and those few around you that did get it may have just thought they had a cold (or didn't even know), especially if they're like you and didn't believe it exists/didn't get teated.
@pappet365 said in #5:

> Nations that have not adopted vaccines or masks (es: Sweden) have a mortality rate way lower that other countries.

That can be for other reasons(mortality rate). And for those who say, that some countries with no vaccines or masks have less cases, then pls remember, that it ma be, bcuz no one gets tested
@kuravi2010 said in #21:
> Lol in my country we should get it if we are 12+
> You all are lucky!
how is that luck? I would rather say unlucky tbh
@justme23 said in #37:
> still say that covid is/was a myth never saw anyone with covid,never saw an ambulance.
> Oh wait there was that retired general who had three or four life threatening conditions on top of the list but he would have been 85 and a vegetable but for covid.
> Covid a conspiracy to sheer sheep
Well most of my class had covid. I think 6 had to go to the hospital
@Sleepy_Gary said in #35:
> Which claims are you referring to?

"using paper mask would have saved us all" "vaccine would have completely defeated the virus".

If (and is a big if, I'm not following this matter anymore); if the virus was really "escaped" from a military lab, then there is no over the counter mask that would have worked. Especially that overpriced shit that was only usefull to polluting the environment and make some rich bastard richer.
When did you hear these absolute terms? I don't know any medical professional that would be dumb enough to say that there was a 100 percent effective response to something.

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