
Search "user:marcusbuffett"

8 forum posts
Community Blog Discussions - Compressing Chess Moves Even Further, To 3.7 Bits Per Move#1

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Community Blog Discussions - Which openings lead to the shortest games? What about the longest games?#1

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Community Blog Discussions - How some common material imbalances affect your win-rate#7

@boxbeatsy said in #4: > Can you add the winrate for Stockfish against Stockfish, for each data set? I'd like to get a sense of what the objective winrate is for each data set. This would require a to…

Community Blog Discussions - How some common material imbalances affect your win-rate#6

Some answers: - This is blitz and longer, bullet is discarded - Winrate is just winrate, not winrate + draw*.5 - Elo rating == Lichess rating, I’m using it in the colloquial sense, even though technic…

Community Blog Discussions - How some common material imbalances affect your win-rate#1

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General Chess Discussion - Anybody willing to help me with pawn structures for a project? Can pay#1

I’ve been working on a chess training site, and I’m looking to add some functionality around pawn structures - identifying them primarily, then eventually adding some info about what the various plans…

Lichess Feedback - Am I missing something in the puzzles database, or are solutions just not included?#4

Oh, that makes so much sense... thank you guys!

Lichess Feedback - Am I missing something in the puzzles database, or are solutions just not included?#1

I'm looking at the puzzles database CSV, and for example here's the first row: 00008,r6k/pp2r2p/4Rp1Q/3p4/8/1N1P2R1/PqP2bPP/7K b - - 0 24,f2g3 e6e7 b2b1 b3c1 b1c1 h6c1,1830,76,90,228,crushing hangingP…
