
Search "user:Taurist"

16 forum posts
Game analysis - 22... Qd2 Brilliancy#4

Did you mean your 21st move?

General Chess Discussion - Tournaments without a minimum rated game requirement?#1

Where can I find such a thing? I remember being able to enter classical tournaments without a minimum rated game requirement...

Game analysis - A trip to blunderville.#8 Here's a great trip to blunderville for you. I played 15.Nd5 to fork him and subsequently crush him. However. I somehow *forgot* about that plan between move 15 and…

Game analysis - A trip to blunderville.#4

Haha, I totally understand the ragequit over stuff like this. Was the game rated?

General Chess Discussion - Playing vs cheater atm#4

I think it's the same red profile? I guess just check by mouse-over before playing...

Game analysis - A trip to blunderville.#2

oh, ouch. Next time, make sure your opponent sees it before you resign. I dunno, it may be worth it just in case; he might be so intent on attacking that he plays g4 or something. I know it's happened…

General Chess Discussion - Playing vs cheater atm#2

I always see the red profile when I mouse-over the player's name. I've also had very few guys 'cheat', even if they have the red profile... just my .02

Game analysis - Tactical Masterpiece#4

Not a bad trap. Certainly not a masterpiece, as NxB rather than jumping on the Queen allows Black to continue. I think you should have used the text of the post as the title; "cool tactical attack". T…

Lichess Feedback - Bug in a game#4

When an enemy pawn is on your fourth rank, it should, by rights, restrain adjacent pawns from advancing. However, due to the 'two squares' option on a pawn's first move, it can effectively bypass the …

General Chess Discussion - Drunk Chess#30

I've found that chess under the influence of any strong stimulant makes me very indecisive... I'll waste far too much time on non-critical moves.
