
Search "user:DeltaGa"

5 forum posts
Off-Topic Discussion - Unveiling the Mysteries of Black Dwarfs: A Cosmic Journey into Stellar Demise#6

⁤Regarding the fate of the universe, the currently most accepted theory among astrophysicists is that the universe will likely end in a "Big Freeze," given that the universe is expanding at an acceler…

Off-Topic Discussion - Unveiling the Mysteries of Black Dwarfs: A Cosmic Journey into Stellar Demise#1 Embark with me on a journey through the cosmos—a voyage that transcends the boundaries of space and time. In the vast expanse of the universe, mysteries abound, waiting to be…

Lichess Feedback - Engine plays weak moves in practice problems#2

First of all, thank you for reporting this. You are right; the computer gives the pawn and doesn't try to win, which is not ideal for someone learning opposition. Would you think it'd be ok if instead…

Lichess Feedback - Great and Brilliant Moves in Analysis?#2

Hello, Indeed, this topic has already been brought up and discussed in the past: In any case, it is currently possible to add good mov…

Lichess Feedback - list of friends on lichess#2

Hello, You can see the full list of the people you follow here: It is not possible to see the people that follow you. Have a nice day.
