
Search "user:Brian-E"

1209 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Is there a way to concentrate and play chess in the best way?#2

I can't play bullet at all or fast blitz for that matter. So I don't. :-) Slowing down and playing classical or even correspondence games, and using the time to think properly, might be very good for …

General Chess Discussion - How to not not think#2

You mention that sometimes, instead of blitzing (where instinctive play is a must), you "play rapid and think about a move for a full minute". Well, that isn't really enough time to solve the problems…

General Chess Discussion - Should the USCF ban cheaters?#4

@AsDaGo said in #3: > Did they really just allow him to keep playing? No, I don't think so. I understand from the Reddit posting which @LandyPJY linked above that the player was immediately removed fr…

General Chess Discussion - Should the USCF ban cheaters?#2

Interesting Reddit posting there. From the information it would seem that the tournament where the player was caught cheating was very recent and the case is still being handled by the USCF? So we don…

Lichess Feedback - Take Back Option#3

A balance has to be drawn between allowing players to specify types of player they are prepared to allow as opponents and making sure that everyone can actually get a game in a reasonable timespan whe…

Lichess Feedback - Term "correspondence"#10

@cc10B Yes, you are not alone in finding vacation in Correspondence annoying. That is why I advocate voluntary vacation, meaning that players (or event organisers) can choose whether or not to allow v…

General Chess Discussion - Cut losses by take some draws#7

One of Bobby Fischer's self-critical notes in his book "My 60 Memorable Games" seems apposite. A note to one of his own rather impetuous moves in a game when he would have been in his mid teens reads …

Lichess Feedback - Auto-Abort Timer#23

I remember entering a weekend Swiss quickplay tournament in Birmingham back in the 1980s which, unusually, had only the one open section. In round 1 the pairing system gave me IM Colin Crouch as my op…

Lichess Feedback - Term "correspondence"#7

Yes, it's hard to imagine how playing anything other than the top engine choice can be the right thing to do in an ICCF game. But maybe some ICCF players here can tell us more. I have heard that ICCF …

Lichess Feedback - Term "correspondence"#3

Ideally I'd like to see the ICCF change the name it uses for what passes as chess there. I know I'm being rude now, and ignorant too, but as an avid correspondence player for more than 40 years I simp…
