
Search "user:Avaneesh_Kamat"

13 forum posts
Off-Topic Discussion - Who is ur best lichess friend? Mention him/her.#26

@Superman2006 said in #24: > Bestest Friends- @Mayuresh-Desai , @Lordvoldemort7156 , @Gopalkrishna2977 , @ragnarok0406 , @PizzaisReady , @Avaneesh_kamat > > Best Friends- @RishabhPant_2006 , @devsumes…

Lichess Feedback - Wish we could add a bot/stockfish levels to a tournament...#1

Hello, can lichess create a feature in which I can add Bots or stockfish levels to a tournament when there are really less people? Does anyone like my suggesstion? If yes, thank you! 🙏🙏

Lichess Feedback - Some Confusion#4

I sent a request to be a streamer, then it sent me this msg. Anyways it declined cos I am not 13 yet....

Lichess Feedback - Refund from sandbagger#9

I once got sandbagged by 2 players (or it could be the same player with two accounts), I reported their chat with me and one accounnt got closed and the other got banned. However, I did not get my rat…

Game analysis - How to beat a 2400 in Rapid with f3 Kf2#8

True, but i have always lost doing hilarious openings. Max rating who fell for my englund gambit is 1627

Off-Topic Discussion - Have you ever got chased by a Dog?#41

Yeah, once in my apartment one guy had to dogs and I was running to call my friends, those two dogs started to chase me, somehow I managed to escape.

Lichess Feedback - Invisible Knights#6


Lichess Feedback - Streamers community#1

Hello, I want to become a lichess streamer. I have sent a request to the moderators, does anyone know how much time does it take for it to get approved?

General Chess Discussion - Joining the streamer community#3

Hello it says ur a streamer in ur profile

General Chess Discussion - Joining the streamer community#1

Hello @thibault, please approve my request for becoming a streamer. I want to join the lichess streamer community! It says that "Your stream request is being reviewed by moderators". Please can you ap…
