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32 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - french defence against d4 - what do you think?#18

... I have to add, ... i always felt really uncomfortable at the d games, but now with the nimzo indian i have kind of a feeling like the french... like getting out the best, with playing black :D

General Chess Discussion - french defence against d4 - what do you think?#17

thank you very much for your feedback :), almost forgot about this thread...I got to take a look at the dutch, I guess.... Meanwhile i got kind of comfortable with the nimzo indian defence for black, …

General Chess Discussion - Issues with a puzzle (?)#2

uhhh never mind, got it....

General Chess Discussion - Issues with a puzzle (?)#1

Hey, I do not understand the solution of this puzzle: Why white doesnt move 10. qxd8 instead of the knight? Do I miss there something? Cheers

Lichess Feedback - Move bug#2

It is a legal move, called en passant.

Lichess Feedback - Measures against sitting-through-time-players#1

Hey, I just played one of those, sitting through time and resigning at the very end to really annoy you- players. I looked up some of his games, and I really found a lot of those type of matches in hi…

General Chess Discussion - french defence against d4 - what do you think?#12

#6 @ DrHack "There are several players rated 2700+ that would disagree ;). Radjabov, Ponomariov, and Caruana to name some. It's such a good opening! :D" I think I phrased it wrong. I absolutely agree,…

General Chess Discussion - french defence against d4 - what do you think?#5

Hey :) Thank you all for your feedback, yes its about 1. e6 . yes, and I noticed it happens sometimes that it transmutes somehow into a normal french defence. I just tried it a few times... Well, I th…

General Chess Discussion - french defence against d4 - what do you think?#1

Hey, I realized I feel a little uncomfortable at d4 games, just got more common to the e4 games. Lately I just tried the french defence against d4 game, so i can stay in my comfort-zone :D ...and i ha…

Lichess Feedback - found a small "incorrectness" in a puzzle#1

Hey, I did just this puzzle: and I was going for an alternative 2nd move, instead of queen to h2, I moved rock to f1 and take rock, queen is forced to take the ro…
