
Black Lives Matter

@Pashut 1.) I can call something a murder without the murderer being sentenced. George Zimmermann is a murderer although he wasn't convicted. That's an opinion I can have.
2.) The crimes Floyd may have committed are irrelevant to him being murdered during an arrest for allegedly paying with a fake 20 dollar bill. And if you put your knee in someone's neck and that person is screaming "I can't breathe" and then passes out, wtf are you thinking?
3.) We can do that.
4.) Use the internet. Btw, there are videos of the actual police in uniform smashing in windows or stealing bikes/phones from protestors so assuming that all undercover cops are following the law is hilarious.
Glad that lichess supports equality. Sorry, but the "Black Lives Matter" movement was started as a great thing and has been manipulated by certain individuals as a reason to cause chaos in the United States. Yes, I think that racial inequality should stop and yes, I think police brutality should stop, but these recent protests are outrageous. But, I disagree with the current "Black Lives Matter" movement and protests.

One, they break every "Corona Virus" stopping implication yet politicians who signed them in place are joining the protest. Two, they are destroying innocent people's property and lives (many of them being minorities) in the city of Denver and Atlanta (and probably many others I haven't seen). And three, many police are being forced to kiss-up to protesters or are being treated under the umbrella that they are all bad. They are being treated, not by who they are and their individual actions, but by what they seem to be on the surface to many or few. That's what the movement was founded against and now it is openly supporting it.

#1 -- Murder is a primarily LEGAL term: "the crime of unlawfully killing a person especially with malice aforethought" (source: What is lawful or not is decided by the courts. While we can each have our opinions, they are nothing but that: an opinion, with no real bearing on the case. The court of public opinion has been known to be wrong in the past, and imho "armchair justice" is a bad idea.

In the Floyd case, the verdict will hinge on whether his resisting arrest + drugs in his system + whatever else was going on at the time was enough to LEGALLY justify the amount of force used. Imho, the max the officer can get (if convicted at all) is manslaughter, as the lawyers will argue (most likely successfully) that he had no intent to kill.

#2 -- Now, whether you like it or not, ALL facts in the case matter, certainly in the eyes of the law. You are entitled to any opinion, however imho an UNBIASED opinion should take ALL the facts into account.

Now, to clarify: the officer did not hold his knee on Floyd's neck because of a $20 fake bill, he did (or claims he did) because he was resisting arrest. I fully agree he should have found a better solution to restrain Floyd, especially after he said "I can't breathe". And it's unfortunate the officer's poor decision claimed a life. But to claim all other facts are irrelevant (save that he kept his knee there) is simply wrong.

#3 -- Glad to hear that. But I am yet to read a post here encouraging #BLM to advocate for that. Wonder why?

#4 -- Sorry, but the burden of proof is on the one who made the allegations. :)
Thank you for taking a stand! To quote all the protests: Silence is violence.

In contrast - while I love all the content St. Louis Chess Club provides, they continue to be silent on these kinds of issues. I recall when the Ferguson riots were taking place and they completely IGNORED them during a big tournament, even though it was in the SAME CITY. And they continue to say nothing now during the Clutch Chess tournament.

Black Lives Matter!
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Everybody is racist who does not agree with this. Read the studies instead and try to understand the methodologies behind it.
There is no such thing as more lethal power used against blacks by police. G.F.'s case has also not necessarily has to do anything with racism.
G.F. was a convicted recidivist criminal. He should have been killed last time when he robbed a pregnant woman with a gun. :/
First of all, All lives matter, and I also support the protests, But in the USA it's more than peaceful protests, they're burning police cars innocent people's cars. They're destroying buildings and they're shoplifting, I feel like these protests deviated from the real innocent purpose.
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