
Who are your neighbor countries and what is your impression of them?

@Mopman said in #18:
> I think that depends on the individual , I was conversing about horse riding with Dukedog whom I was guessing based on his posts lives in Arizona.
> When I traveled down to Florida years ago people were complaining about how cold the day was ( 75 F ) and wearing jackets while I was sweating in a light t-shirt.
> It's all relative .

Same thing when we visited Darwin a few years back. The locals were all rugged up and complaining bitterly about how cold it was. We (from Sydney) were in shorts and Teeshirts. It was 23C. (73.4f.)
@Mopman said in #18:
> I think that depends on the individual , I was conversing about horse riding with Dukedog whom I was guessing based on his posts lives in Arizona.
> When I traveled down to Florida years ago people were complaining about how cold the day was ( 75 F ) and wearing jackets while I was sweating in a light t-shirt.
> It's all relative .

With advices from locals on how to dress properly nothing that would mean no horse ride. Not saying that Dukedog would not complain it's cold but believe me I would teach him a lesson or two and he would remove some layers by himself. lol

You probably would not believe how I was dressed for January or February Road Running and Cross Country Skking. ;-)
@CRAB_IS_THE_BEST said in #20:
> Canada or Mexico do not have enough crabs. Canada also has a weird fascination with mounties and Tim hortens. Mexico is cool when it isn’t ruled by the Freemasons. New Jersey is also has too many toll roads ️.
> This is (mostly) a joke, I do not mean to offend anyone
bruh theres tons of crabs in mexico and canada
We neighbour Ukraine, before the war began we were not necessarily friends(there were some problems with the Romanian community in Ukraine, but they said now they want to work closely with us) but after the war, we helped the refugees and tried to help them as much as we can. We consider Ukraine as our friends.
Bulgaria, a friendly nation, hard language to understand but we can work together more in the future
Serbia, again a friendly country, they give too much speed tickets:))) but we are trying to make some projects together
Hungary, a friend of ours, we have some different opinions over the years, but our place is together
Remember folks, your neighbours are the first people you can help and which can help you in times of need. Love your neighbours as yourself.
I have so many neighbors. One time I bought a baguette by the border of France and Germany. It was a nice experience.
Swede here and unfortunately I have to mostly confirm the harsh things that have been said. Except for the warmongering. Swedes are just all in on the latest thing whatever that happens to be. Right now it's NATO and fighting Russia. Tomorrow it might be boiling kittens alive for kicks or zen buddhism or knitting or something else.
The French are OK, but unfortunately they steal OUR fish.

I would like Austria as a neighbour: lots of cheap delicious chocolate, schnitzel, skiing, wine, etc
@ArgMon09 said in #4:
> India's neighbours oof ! Pakistan our beta who tries to take daddy's land but fails everytime Bangladesh our son who helps us always Sri Lanka whose identity is still unknown to us whether enemy or friend China rival friend of india Infact india is surrounded by enemies we have good friend cou tries like nepal and bhutan also
PAKISTAN FOR LIFE!!! india cant even shoot gun

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