
Would you like to be my friend?

@Shadow1414 said in #10:
> Friends found naturally have a higher chance of being the correct type.

Actually, I'd say friends found via a Lichess forum help post seeking friends would be a gem :)
@CARAHUECa said in #1:

hi !

> Would you like to be my friend?!

Looking at your Lichess activity, you got 3 new friends today :)

(Note that I am close to the max. limit of Lichess, so sometimes I need to unfollow someone. No hard feelings)
@achja said in #22:
> Note that I am close to the max. limit of Lichess, so sometimes I need to unfollow someone. No hard feelings)

One of the great features of Lichess is that you can't see who follows you or the number of followers you have which prevents people from associating followers with popularity etc.

Just out of curiosity, what is the limit? I’m only following 35 users so I guess I’m nowhere near the following limit yet...
@TeenageDimwit said in #23:

> Just out of curiosity, what is the limit? I’m only following 35 users so I guess I’m nowhere near the following limit yet...

Received yesterday from user called Lichess :
>Sorry, you can't follow more than 400 players on Lichess.
>Thank you for your understanding.
@achja said in #25:
> sorry, you can’t follow more than 400 players on Lichess.

Oh right, thanks. That is a lot! I doubt I’ll ever reach the limit ;)
@Shadow1414 said in #10:
> Friends found naturally have a higher chance of being the correct type.

friends found unnaturally have a higher chance of being the correct blood type.
@Rookitiki said in #28:
> friends found unnaturally have a higher chance of being the correct blood type.
You are absolutely right! We should all follow the OP’s example and use “unnatural” methods to make friends so that we can get a personal blood bank.

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