
Atomic Openings

@NNWill said in #4:
> Nf3 f6 d4 d5 Nc3 b5! e4 Nh6! Ne5 Ng4! Nxg4 e5 equalizes. When the d5 square occupied, black can play b5 instead of c6. This idea occurs in many openings.
I don't think this equalizes, white still has some pressure. White also has 5. g4 instead of 5. Ne5.
Generally you can reach the discussed position in another move order 1. Nf3 f6 2. Nc3 c6 3. d4 d5 4. e4 (rather than starting with Nf3 d4). So if you play this as black, you can as well play 3... c6 against Nf3 d4 Nc3 rather than learning theory for 3... b5 separately. Ofc you can play 1. Nf3 f6 2. Nc3 Nh6!? or 1. Nf3 f6 2. Nc3 c6 3. d4 e6!?, but they are even worse in my opinion.
Why I play Nf3 f6 e3 e6 and not Nf3 f6 e3 d5:
How do I play against e6?
What I do is do but then there is Qh4 and I end up with a disadvantage
Your question is unclear. Do you mean what to do as white after e3 e6? You could try Nh3 or Nc3 or Nf3, but Nf3 f6 e3 e6 is a better opening for white.
@NNWill said in #19:
> @I_love_cricket
> Your question is unclear. Do you mean what to do as white after e3 e6? You could try Nh3 or Nc3 or Nf3, but Nf3 f6 e3 e6 is a better opening for white.
As black. Sorry for not making it clear

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