
am in my early 30s and still cant approach a woman?

whats wrong with me?,when i gather courage to talk to a random girl i become nervous until i mess everything i have absolutely 0 female friends now all my agemates are married am the only one who is left and its driving me nuts any tips would be highly appreciated
Take it easy dude you're going to find someone. At first, try to find common interests with people you meet so you may be more confident taliking about subjects you already have a knowledge on. Step by step you'll be more keen to take "more risks".
Try to see women you meet as actual people rather than plotting how to get in their pants, and talking to them will become easier.
Stop caring about what other people think of you. Makes speaking with all sorts of people vastly easier. Makes life much more enjoyable as well. The amusing thing is also we tend to have a vastly inflated view of the relevance others assign us. There was a fun article on this on WaitButWhy:

Kind of bizarre if you think about. We intuitively tend to think people think so much of the things we do or say. Yet how much do you think of other people beyond the moment of encounter? Why would other people be any different?
Which opening lines do you use for conversation?
Are you going for a win or a draw?
When making a move (on a woman) constantly reassess your position and keep a check of time.

And if it does not work out, there is still pawn hub.
Don't listen to Chessty McBiggins.
You know Satan? Well, he and Chessty play golf together every tuesday.
Get in their pants first. Poems and shit later.

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