
Should PREMOVE option be remove at online chess?

Good day everyone! I've decided to open a newest and hottest topic in the chess community today. Should premove be remove online? Technically speaking, the premove option is useless at all. We all know that we are playing chess online in order for us to learn and gain more experiences, but I am thinking about.. What is the use of Premove during the game? Chess is a battle of great minds, and in actual games at the board, Premove is really useless thing as we cannot apply it. Now, my point is.. We should practice chess even in online at realistic way, there are also a lot of cases where even masters make blunders when using premove and it is all totally nonsense. I am not downgrading the premove option but I think this is the time where we need to decide if it is really helpful and useful to us. We should practice chess in a realistic way and apply all the official rules in chess. I know if premove will remove as an option, bullet games will be affected. Some of you says that it helps those at slow internet connection but think of this, we should not practice chess with PREMOVES because it will never be useful in our actual games. Now, it is your time to show your side. Please, tell us here what you think! Cheers everyone! Peace❤️❤️
So online games arent "actual" games? People premove in blitz and bullet, so should we remove these time controls entirely on the same grounds that "they will never be useful in our actual games"? No. We shouldnt remove premoves either.
P.S: Why would you like your own post?
I stated, actual games "at the board." Please guys, I need the quality of your ideas here. I need your common sense.
This debate has been had many times. In short, I disagree that the point of online chess is to prepare for OTB chess. I play online chess for its own sake. Premoves make online chess more fun for me and many others--it wouldn't be a feature on lichess if it didn't. If you don't like premoves, play with increment so you don't have to premove.
Then the whole site needs to be changed....And hyper and ultrabullet will be extremely difficult to play

And premoves make online chess more fun
@Spyder11 "We all know that we are playing chess online in order for us to learn and gain more experiences"
Neither do I know this, nor do I play online to learn.
You have mate in one.
Your opponent will not resign - instead he is going to let his clock run down for twenty minutes.
What are you going to do - sit staring at the screen in case he eventually moves and you can deliver the coup de grace if you're not already so fatigued that your mouse slips, or premove and go and have a nice cup of tea and read a good book?
Your choice; I know what mine is.

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