
Personal Statement of Elisabeth Pähtz

I really hope the is telling the truth, she seems like a pretty nice person.

It was a german comedy skit from the early 2000s, and you are right in that it probably did not age too well.

The guy playing is a german comedian pretending to be a GM from Iran, while young Elisabeth Pähtz was relaying the moves. He was basically trying to be as obnoxious as possible to the players (asking random questions, saying nonsense words, doing weird tea rituals). I don't think it was intended to be racist towards Iranian chessplayers, but I can understand that Iranians would find it offensive. It's a slightly off-taste take on the problem of dealing with culture clash while trying to be respectful to a guest.

The reason Sargon posted it was because it made Pähtz really famous in germany back then. And it is somewhat ironic to see "her" now receiving moves from a stronger source.
She shouldn’t have been banned from even if she cheated, she’s pretty attractive kappa
<Comment deleted by user>
Any attempt in accusing me in non fairplay is ridiculous, during every game there were endless mistakes ( missing mate in 2 , blundering pieces and losing games ) , in every game i was pointing arrows and showing the ideas of the moves. its so sad after all what i did to the chess community during Corona time, sharing my knowledge and experience more or less for free to help amateurs improve their play, some are showing their true skin and stabbing me in the back while dancing and celebrating lichess mistake. but no worries, i will be focusing soon on professional chess and forget about the 1200 guys who are accusing IM ( former women rapid chess champion ) in cheating. this is amusing and sad in the same time. big thanks to most of you guys who showed support and love until this moment, in the chess world there are many evil people , and there are also angles like you, who are helping me keep going , and making free tutorials for you guys. -Elisabeth

This was what she originally said on youtube before she published the article which was stated in #1
#75 I am inclined to believe her public statements, both written and spoken. I am also inclined to believe Lichess handles situations appropriately.

I am disinclined to believe most of the comments in this topic from players who do not know what they are talking about.

A charitable interpretation would be that this description was also written by the same social media guy who did the playing and streaming. Pähtz was not okay with his approach and decided it was best to delete the video and "come clean".

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