
Would you rather travel to the past or the future?

Two problems with going to the future: 1) there might not be any future; or 2) the future might be so great that I wouldn't want to come back to this.

(And going back to the past would be pretty awful too.)
Depends. One time this crazy dude named rick pulled up and told me he built a time machine, but it was out of a dalorean, then I got sent back to the 80's, and my mom was hitting on me. Wierd story dude. Weird story.
Is it normal that there is a telephone box that landed next to my house? there's a weirdo who speaks a weird language saying he's the last of his kind. I have currently managed to close the tel box, but I don't know which planet to call so that they can get him back..
I would go exactly 5 years into the past and buy up all the bitcoin I could
how does this time machine work?and if i go back to 1800s,is it going to be fun ?honestly,i dont trust a machine that can make you travel in time,my word is bond,time travel totally sucks
Go back to the 70s when England was England and not the third world shithole we’ve been turned into.
I will go back and fort in the past then in the future, then backwards, until I gain real Pleasure and Fun xD
I mean I will change first past or future , travel in future for example, then go back to past and change there and so on, gaining Understanding and Pleasure how to Rule Space and Time and All Events in a World
Future. For sure.
I'd go to the year 5 billion or something ridiculous like that.
Want to see, if only for a second.

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