
What Level Of Stockfish Can You Beat (Please Reply)

Not by that example, as all other moves were mates in 1 too. (bc6 Rxa7#)

Tbh AIs are indeed kind of weird, in that their mistakes tend towards random unsound moves when making a mistake rather than substandard plan in general. Still like playing even lowest variants without time; less pressure.

The AIs at 1-2 have been in my experience largely toothless, but I've still lost sometimes₁, especially under time controls. The 4 used to give me major difficulties with having to look 4 moves deep on each move, to the point where I didn't bother to aim higher. Feels like it has gotten bit weaker/easier tbh compared to when li was tenth the size.

While I don't have the experience to speculate whether 4 is rated properly (even with 60% rate), I'm not sure what timecontrol 1 is supposed to be 1350 at - bullet? Going by my 110-6-11 run, feels closer to 1000. At all other time controls, seems unlikely any 1350 would have 50% win-loss against it.

The 5 and especially 6 are "only on a (really) good day" for me. First is 7-3-14; second is 2-3-17; of those 2 wins only 1 without takebacks₂, and both of those 9 months ago on the same day. As a rule, I can't win even with takebacks; for 7 same applies to draws₃.

I concur that 6 blunders lot less than 5, but it does happen sometimes, in particularly as reciporal.

So, overall answer to OP: About 4 without time limits, I guess. Lower, depending on time control - I'd guess I require under 20 mins for lower levels typically, up to 60 (to lose) against higher levels.

I take my sharp drop against higher ones to be indicative of inability to build long-term attacks or some other consistent weakness that I can't help but fall prey to.

₁ Recent defeat versus 1:
₂ Said lonely win against 6:
₃ Said lone draw with tons of takebacks against 7:
Well i susually lose against SF 6,but i someitmes draw and sometimes even win:)
Does the Lichess site give any estimation about what rating corresponds to what SF level?
I don't see any in the "Play Against Machine" box. It shows 1500 for all levels for some reason.
It does, but I guess you might need to actually start the game? The 1500 is your correspondence rating, btw.

1 - 1350
2 - 1420
3 - 1500
4 - 1600
5 - 1700
6 - 1900
7 - 2200
8 - 2500

In practice, I don't quite agree with these ratings. Even assuming bullet speeds, my anecdote suggests 4 and 5 are ≃ 200 points apart going by ~75% win rate difference.
I can beat stockfish level 5, but I have a hard beating people that are rated more than 200 points under level 5
I managed to beat stockfish lvl 6 (1900) once after ten tries of casual blitz play. I beat stockfish lvl 5 (1700) first try. My current USCF rating is about 1968. So I would say that the stockfish rating lvls are about right on lichess.
I can't say for sure but after seeing this post I decided to test it out. I cannot beat level 2 without take-backs. I am ~1200 rating so this makes sense but still it feels bad not being able to beat level 2 lol.

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