
Women's World Chess Championship: Half way done

@Jai205 said in #11:
> yes
@Dario19503 said in #2:
> Regardless of who wins this match, both men and women's world chess champions are going to be Chinese. A historic and iconic moment for the@LDog11 said in #5:
> Russians dominate in chess, not withstanding the current World Champion, and they have for decades; maybe even a century. It did say the last challenger to the champ was Russian. I wonder if Chinese Women's chess is dominant like Russian chess was?
> (and just to through it out there, why is the U.S. such a laggard when it comes to chess)
@Skittle-Head said in #9:
> I'd like to see a match between the 'Men's World Champion' and the "Women's World Champion. I think that would generate some worldwide interest in Chess. - :]

Why? The strength difference is way to big.
Or is this bait?
The game was totally bananas. if the they are GMs , the guy who play black was totaly dumb, 'cause of the move e5
Senselesss world champions, dude
@Skittle-Head said in #9:
> I'd like to see a match between the 'Men's World Champion' and the "Women's World Champion. I think that would generate some worldwide interest in Chess. -:]
Yeah. Totally.In fact , i want Ding to show WHO IS the REAL WORLD CHAMPION
@Skittle-Head said in #9:
> I'd like to see a match between the 'Men's World Champion' and the "Women's World Champion. I think that would generate some worldwide interest in Chess. - :]

It would certainly generate a lot of interest it's just that a match between a 2800 player and a 2500 player would be very one-sided.
Imagine there would be a world chess championship match for both men and woman combined. So men will play against women that would maybe make it more interesting.

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