
Black Lives Matter

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Missing the point. Saying that black people kill more black people than the police is technically true but meaningless. Also: Denying the existence of white privilege is a bit sad.
Black lives matter. They surely do. But that loaded phrase is heavily politicized, which is why so many here object to it being held up as a shibboleth of human decency, and an accusation that America's police (and whites in general) are deeply and violently racist against African Americans.

George Floyd chose to be an armed robber and commit crimes that put in prison for 5 years. He chose to steal from an area business and chose to resist arrest when confronted by the police. Resisting arrest is itself an act of violence against the police and the public. George Floyd chose to have taken meth and fentanyl at the time of his arrest -- chemicals that the autopsy showed were major factors in his death.

For their part, the police were technically following the law as for use of force in controlling a suspect who was resisting arrest. Can our justice system find these police at fault for use of undue force? Absolutely, that is how our civil society is supposed to work.

What's not supposed to happen is a rush to judgement that America's police are "racist" (there's no evidence of that), or that this particular event was a "racist murder" of Floyd (likewise, no evidence of racist intent or background by any of the arresting officers has yet been revealed). They are owned their day in court.

What's not supposed to happen is that this one event is taken as cause for the utterly wreckless plan for abolishing America's police departments. Abolishing the police is the platform of "Black Lives Matter," and a big whopping reason why so many of us here object to lichess championing the BLM movement.

If anyone wonders what an America without police would look like, you only need look at the 2 days of looting and violence after Floyd's death.

@googlecash Whatever George Floyd has done, it was still murder. Putting your knee on someone's neck for 8 minutes and 46 seconds is murder.
And the police shouldn't be abolished but rather trained to deescalate situation. Btw, the looting is partially done by the police, undercover police officers or the police ignore it so they can beat up people afterwards. Sure, looting is bad but frantically screaming "But the looters" is dumb.

"It being illegal to specifically target one racial group doesn't mean that it's not happening. Of course voter suppression is illegal but that also doesn't mean that it's not happening"

It is not happening or the is no rule of law in US. Pick one.

1. Should we not let the justice system decide if it's murder or not in this particular case?

2. Should we (and the justice system) not take into account ALL the details of the case (as @googlecash pointed out), not just the fact the police officer held his knee on Floyd's neck for 8:46 minutes?

3. Should we not encourage #BLM to advocate for more/better police training, rather than for abolishing the police?

4. Should we not offer some kind of proof for allegations that that the looting is partially done by undercover police officers?
they have been trained, it didn't help... the political/capitalist system in the us is heavily broken. "working hard is gonna make u rich" is exactly _not_ true anymore. that's why they need a militarized police to keep the poor, the working and the non-working ppl at bay. that's why ppl call to DEFUND the police now. ppl are sickened by police violence happening over and over again.

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