
Your opinion on LGBTQIA+ people

The topic is intentionally inflammatory. We've got enough strife on this site as it is-- let's not make any more.
Free lichess from politics!!
Free lichess from personal opinions!!!
Free lichess from users!!!!
Free lichess from existence!!!!!
Free lichess from having ever existed!!!!!!

But in complete honesty, my opinion is that people cannot change reality by their thoughts or words, which isn’t exactly a radical idea. Sorry if you disagree.
@dstne said in #12:
> Free lichess from personal opinions!!!
> Free lichess from users!!!!
> Free lichess from existence!!!!!
> Free lichess from having ever existed!!!!!!
Bruh, you want to rule the world? Really?
I really don't have one.
Let them live their lifes as they choose
@Zurel said in #1:
> Let's have a politeful discussion involving the topic.

I generally think: Live and let live towards this topic, so long as I don't have to pick up any unfair costs associated with their lifestyle, healthcare or otherwise.

Also, I think in getting along with them, they should respect the straight lifestyle, even allowing my definition of a marriage, which is between 1 man and 1 woman in my book. Other terminology should exist describing their relationships. Don't confuse the definition of marriage - please! It's not the same thing!

Also I have no problems with people extending benefits to their loved ones, in seeing each other in the hospital room, medical benefits as well as other perks people normally share with their spouse either, extending it to people who genuinely care about them, even if lgbtqia+.

I have no problem with a loving lbgtqia+ family adopting children from straight couples either. Qualified parenting is more important than their sexual identity or orientation in their private life.

I have no problem with diligent lgbtqia+ people serving our country in political office or in the armed services, so long as they defend my freedoms!

I believe people should be free to their dress code too, even though I find people who cross dress, distasteful and I feel that gender confusion is wrong.
@LordSupremeChess said in #13:
> Bruh, you want to rule the world? Really?

No, I’m just tired of people saying “free this” or “free that”, so I took that to the extreme with the Free Lichess Movement (TM pending). Chess. Com got nothing on lichess, the far superior site.

Long live free chess, and free lichess.
@Approximation said in #17:
> I have no problem with a loving lbgtqia+ family adopting children from straight couples either.

This is an ethical dilemma. If lgbtq is ethically ok, then the consequence of them not having children is also ok. Meaning that it would be unethical to allow lgbtq people to adopt children. On the other hand, if you want to argue that it would be ethical, then you have to admit that the lgbtq lifestyle isn't, as only heterosexual couples can have children.

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