
Best ways to improve rating?

Knowing why you lose and how you win will show you your strengths and weaknesses. For example, if you play the opening well and throw away a game due to a tactic in low time controls then you need to work on time management. If you lose in the middle game then you might need to work on a common line you face often, know the plans for both sides in an opening. Once again, why do you win and why do you lose? This will show you what to study.

Areas of improvement:

1. Opening knowledge
2. Middle game knowledge
3. Endgame knowledge
4. Strategy knowledge
5. Tactical knowledge
<Comment deleted by user>
@SpursJuve4TheWin said in #1:
> Hello,
> I am currently 1800-2000.
> I was wondering how to improve rating in a fun way and also one that works well.
> If anyone knows, please do say!

Are you fishing for clicks? Didn't you already answered your own question in your recent blog post the day just before writing this forum post? *facepalm*
@SpursJuve4TheWin said in #1:
> I was wondering how to improve rating in a fun way and also one that works well.

There is a slight difference between improve rating and improve your game.

If you improve your game, the rating will improve on its own, but, if you want to improve the rating without improving your game, you might find that there are a few tricks.

The first one is to diminish the amount of games you lose, Specifically as black

It may look funny when reading, but what it means its just to double check your endings. If the resulting trades look iffy for the endgame, play safer and aim for endgames that look a bit more drawish.

This may need to change openings for black, to aim for more symmetric openings, where you can easily trade for an even endgame early on.

As for white, be less aggressive, dont go into risky attacks.

But overall, its just about to play safer to go more into evenish games.

If you want to improve your game, well, thats another different monster.
<Comment deleted by user>
@derkleineJo said in #14:
> Are you fishing for clicks? Didn't you already answered your own question in your recent blog post the day just before writing this forum post? *facepalm*
No because my blog was on bullet. Whereas here I was talking about blitz and rapid. Because on those time controls, if you improve your game, you increase your rating. That's the point of this post, how to do that. Luckily there have been lots of great answers which help a lot.
1. Learning
2. Don't be Lazy
3. Also there's book that i recommend such a
-Modern Chess Opening
-My System
-60 Memorable Games by Fischer
one of those book that i mention above was taught in a Chess School, it also used by many players and don't worry, learning from book is far better than learning on internet.

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