
Candidates Scheduling

JannLee vs xuanet will be taking place on Saturday 15th April at 2pm GMT.

Also the possibility of a match between JannLee and TwelveTeen on Monday 17th April at 7pm GMT. Awaiting confirmation from TwelveTeen.
Can someone commit to recording the AllYouNeedIsLuft vs Blitzbullet game tomorrow at 2pm ET? This will happen at the same time as the ChickenCrossRoads replacement tournament, which Crosky (and perhaps Atrophied) will be participating in. Would be a shame if we didn't record that.

Atrophied said he won't be participating. It'd be a shame if the 8th Zh Qualifier Tournament didn't get covered, too...Jann should cover that event IMO and someone can just later record allyouneedisluft vs. blitzbullet (now that lichess shows timestamps this experience will be much improved!).
Confirming JannLee vs TwelveTeen will be going ahead on Monday 17th April at 7pm GMT.

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