
A chess set for your every mood (and mood swings)

@Catwa1k One can't go wrong with "Alpha" on Maple. If I remember correctly, Alpha was my main chess set for a long time till Gioco came along. Do checkout what @MrinalKanti was able to do with Alpha!
@kosu said in #9:
> @AyaanshGaur12
> It looks cool! From your and other comments elsewhere, I'm pretty sure there is a good fan base for this chess set. Sorry for missing it out. Just that I don't get the pop-culture references this chess set seems to be based on.
lol, i don't use it myself haha..i just used it on some alt i used on my mobile for playing bullet and like however destracting it seems it doesn't effect the nature of my play (it actually improved performance by ~130 rating).
But like the pop-culture, like that was pretty dynamic, if you know.
The pawns being a traffic cone;
The rooks being a sort of building block (to me) with the FIDE logo in center;
Knights wearing cool glasses (especially white, since it wears the thug life mosaic glasses);
The bishops being a bomb (with an A grade in between!?)
Queens being a skull with a crown;
but most importantly the king wearing an underwear (two leg-looking like things on the sides and one in between them)
I like the minimalist chess set designs, like the "Staunty" pieces and I use a green chessboard. They feel easy on my eyes.

A feature that could be interesting is the ability to pick each chess piece separately. Imagine the Queen side not having the same chess set as the king side. Sometimes it's just one piece that is preventing us from using that set. If I push this idea even further, imagine assembling your own chess pieces by picking the base of the chess pieces, the stem and the head of the pieces. Dressing up the pieces in this way would be a wonderful software to create unique chess pieces.
What I currently use is chessnut on newspaper. oh my, the relaxation I feel is just great. But here's the thing, I just changed to it for the first time, and didn't even know newspaper was something, but just changed it today after seeing @kosu 's blog and taking a idea of the newspaper board from him. But the chestnut pieces are just so beautiful. I mean the only thing which could receive improvement maybe the knight, but the king, the queen, and everything is cent perfect. Before this I just used Merida on wood4 tho which is a classic for many.
I'm not sure what many use. I cannot imagine how many use each chess set. So I won't assume what classic is.
A feature that could be interesting is having some sort of leader board for chess set combinations. That way we could see what many use at their rating levels.

Imagine having the option to use the chess set of our opponent or when we flip the chessboard we see our opponents chess pieces and chessboard color.
@Toscani said in #15:
> I'm not sure what many use. I cannot imagine how many use each chess set.
My guess would be that majority of users simply keeps using whatever was the default when they created their account because they never felt need to change it.
Thank you for mentioning 3D boards and pieces; often these are my favorites (esp. glass on classic blue and other boards), even if there is room for improvement.
@mkubecek said in #16:
> My guess would be that majority of users simply keeps using whatever was the default when they created their account because they never felt need to change it.
Yep, the classic; considered as the default one, becuz not many ppl change it (nd not many know how to) is cburnett on brown. We can also say this 100% since not only if you create a new ACC on lichess that's what comes but they are the board and piece set above all in the first place (in options). The least used piece set is at the last, disguised (better to just do blindfold than THIS), shape and letter.
where is the 3d Staunton set located? do I need a browser extension?