
There's only two kinds of people in America right now

Regardless of political affiliation, there's those that want democracy to continue, and those that don't.
It is the media landscape, and social media in particular, which is causing people to believe in so many crazy things. I don't think its that they don't want democracy to continue, so much as they are believing many falsehoods about how the other party is stealing it from them, and they end up attacking the capitol to "stop the steal". It absolutely needs to stop. But it all starts from watching Tucker Carlson tonight, or your favourite social media influencer on bitchute or youtube. Its just so sad :(.
@LordSupremeChess said in #4:
> But then why do I live in America, and yet don't really care?

well if you don't care if democracy continues then you would fall in the second category but your excused due to mitigating circumstances.
I for one, as a Danish citizen. Don't believe the United States is a democracy.
And I don't think the majority of the elected people, would want a democracy. It's an oligarchy, run by money. Hiding under the pretext of a free market.
Which is an illustration, considering that the self proclaimed free market, is run by billion dollars conglomerates, which are destroying the free market.

There is too much gerrymandering, and lobbying going on to say that the USA is a democracy.

On top of that, I fear that the average American citizen can't accept a democracy, unless that democracy shares their own point of view.
The US is a democratic republic not a democracy.
or, Kyanite, they believe the Russians stole the election from Hilary Clinton in 2016. there are all kinds of harebrained myths in the US, but far too many americans agree their government is benevolent and upholds the cause of democracy in the world, even as it fights democracy in the world.
@Dukedog said in #7:
> The US is a democratic republic not a democracy
I disagree with your terminology.
Maybe some states within the USA qualifies as being democratic republic?, but the nation as a whole does not.
At least to my interpretation, it has all the trademarks of being an oligarchy.

Lobbyists just has to much power.
To the point of them being an influential entity.
But you are correct, it's not a democracy.
Actually, as @Dukedog said in #7: the U.S. was technically founded as a representational democratic republic but even with that I was referencing peoples preferences not the structures itself.

However if we *are* talking political structure (and not political preferences) for those eating popcorn overseas ( i.e. @NaturalBornTraveller #6) really it's worth it for us to consider that the U.S. is likely both an evolving mix of emerging hyper-local democratic elements (direct referendums, state-level constitutional amendments, etc.) and also full of corrupted macro-systemic trends (dark money, oligarchic infighting, kleptocracy, etc.) sprinkled with a large mix of racists and anti-racists straight up battling in a cold civil war that never ended!

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