
How can I improve at this point? I am 1700 rated now.

I am striving to improve my overall game. Any suggestions would be great. Thank you in advance!
Solve more puzzles, watch magnus or hikaru play and their style of play, enjoy every game the more jittery you are, the more you lose. Always Grind. Chess speaks for itself.
Do one thing over and over until no one can do it better. Then change to do a new thing over and over until no one can do it better. Then change to do a new thing over and over until no once can do it better. Then change to do a new thing over and over until no one can do it better. Then go back to the first thing because your opponents have probably forgotten by now.
I scrolled through your recent games and noticed they're not even analyzed. Doing that would be a starting point. You want to spend something like 60% of time studying and the other 40% playing.
@JuicyChickenNO1 said in #6:
> I scrolled through your recent games and noticed they're not even analyzed. Doing that would be a starting point. You want to spend something like 60% of time studying and the other 40% playing.

u scrolled him? heha
I was 1890 few months ago.I joined coaching.I used to do 100 puzzles a day.Analyzed every single game.You would be surprised what happened.I drained my rating up to -100.Thats why those who have good brain and money only succeed in chess.Others who are hardworking always become failures..That's all!!!!
@Anfield223 said in #1:
> I am striving to improve my overall game. Any suggestions would be great. Thank you in advance!

That depends on your weaknesses and many other things, but I just had a quick look at your profile and saw the following:

1. You play too much bullet, bullet is very bad for your chess.

2. Your puzzle rating is not very high for your level, so I would recommend going to the practice menu of lichess and learn about tactics. After that I would recommend solving more puzzles.

3 I don’t know if you do it or not, but you should analyze your games, since it is very important. Divide your mistakes into categories and study based on that. It is also important to understand why you made that mistake.

I hope this helps you!

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