NM Calh3iros Lichess coach picture

NM Robert Junior - Chess Coach

Unlock your full potential with our innovative gamified chess coaching, tailored to your individual needs and guided by an experienced and dedicated coach.

Location United States
LanguagesEnglish (US), Español, Português (BR)
RatingFIDE: 22472439
Hourly rateU$ 5 / 10 Students by Group Class / A price for u to Know our Academy (Limited Offer for June)
AvailabilityAccepting students

About me

Roberto Calheiros
Chess Master and Coach

Teacher and Professional Chess manager Profile:

Playing experience

State Champion, Finalist of the National Championship (3x), Many International Opens Wins

Teaching experience

Welcome to My chess academy! As a passionate and experienced chess coach, I have helped students of all ages and skill levels to improve their game and reach their full potential.

Our training method is based on a combination of traditional teaching techniques and modern gamification strategies. We believe that learning chess should be both challenging and fun, which is why we have integrated badges, rankings, and a powerful community into our training program.

We are proud to say that our approach has produced strong results, with our OTB and titled players achieving great success both nationally and internationally. Our students have also achieved significant improvements in their game and have gone on to win tournaments and achieve their goals.

We are committed to providing a supportive and engaging learning environment for all our students. Our coaching style is tailored to the individual needs of each student, ensuring that they receive personalized attention and guidance.

Whether you're a beginner looking to learn the basics of the game or an experienced player seeking to improve your skills, we are here to help you achieve your goals. Join our community today and start your journey to becoming a better chess player.

Thank you for considering our academy, and we look forward to helping you achieve your full potential in chess!

Other experiences

Administrator, MBA, E-COMMERCE

Best skills

End Games, Calculation and Openings, classes for children and beginners too.

Teaching methodology

I start with a full assessment of the student’s chess skills. Then, I work on eliminating any weaknesses in the student’s chess game using daily challenges and homework tailored to the student’s needs and implementation of new chess skills and ways of thinking. In terms of pedagogy, I believe in the importance of good communication, being present to the student and engaged with him or her in their individual journey to chess mastery.

YouTube videos