
Search "user:stefantelefan"

41 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Zen mode in mobile app#4

Because it is zen mode deriving more like from sōtō school, rather than the ōbaku school of zen.

Lichess Feedback - rematch offer in correspondence pre-move feature#1

Suggestion: there should be an option to choose a remtach offer to your opponent within pre-move feature, after a planned check-mate move. This would meake easier to maintain continuity of a game stri…

General Chess Discussion - jak zmienic tło szachownicy#3

Jeśli korzystasz z przeglądarki: 1. kliknij na swoje imię profilowe w prawym górnym rogu 2. z rozwijanego menu wybierz szczegóły wyglądu szachownicy, które chcesz zmienić.

General Chess Discussion - Stockfish can't see win for white here. And how about you?#8

Aah thnx. I went in different directions, without sacrificing the queen..

General Chess Discussion - Stockfish can't see win for white here. And how about you?#6

Hello So can anyone reveal the string of moves for the winning position for white in 2 moves, as #1 says?

Lichess Feedback - rematch offer in correspondence#1

I dont know if it a bug or some over-confirmation purpouse? A correspondence game ends, I go into the game and see the big button blinking "rematch". I point to it and the message says "your opponent …

Lichess Feedback - Why wrong translation is come back?#3

That's the beauty of open source translation. One can go in end enter anything. "Partia szachów" means "a game of chess" in some informal context, so it is not totally wrong, but inappropriate (stilll…

General Chess Discussion - W czasie gry mój przeciwnik zrezygnować a mi przypisano przegraną.#2

Podaj adres tej konkretnej gry z paska przeglądarki.

Lichess Feedback - Name of Opening/Transposition Visible During Game #7

Up with the topic! I think it is GREAT idea. The feature would help beginners or "average Joe players" like me, to memorise the names in connection with seeing the current display on the chessboard. T…

Game analysis - "resign dude don't waste my time"#5

In my perosnal opinion, that's simple - if you create a game with the timer for 5min or choose to play a game 5min, be prepared that you "waste" 10 minutes at most, no matter the situation on the boar…
