
Search "user:owltuna"

24 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Puzzle 51022, and a prevalent problem.#1

These high rated puzzles are crazy. This one seemed too easy when I played it. Nothing terribly deep, thought I, a couple simple moves to net a trapped piece. After solving it, I saw the comments. The…

Lichess Feedback - Problème 4060#2

No. It is one move too many.

Lichess Feedback - anti afking feature for classic games#7

You can regard that precious twenty seconds as an opponent being resentful, or you can give the benefit of the doubt and regard it as an onset of paralysis due to shock and disbelief. But yeah, twenty…

Lichess Feedback - Yet another broken puzzle position.#2

I've moved on to the HARD category. I suppose it's just natural that problems with flawed solutions will filter up to the top of their category, due to valid and sometimes best moves failing. It would…

Lichess Feedback - Yet another broken puzzle position.#1

This one is 35529. Several times I have encountered "puzzles" where the continuation after cracking the key involves an essentially meaningless move that nevertheless can fail the puzzle. This one is …

Lichess Feedback - anti afking feature for classic games#2

This is a problem with online chess that is never going to go away. The only solution is to be prepared to sit for the duration of a game you voluntarily entered. If you enter a fifteen-minute game, u…

Lichess Feedback - Lost Puzzle Again#9

The level of inconsistency in the problems fuels a lot of frustration, I believe. There are some that are outright wrong, there are others that will fail if the found solution is only a half-pawn off …

Lichess Feedback - Puzzle 17071#2

Yeah, this one (10701 not 17071) is goofy as hell. I think the first K move is supposed to be ..Kd8 not ..Kd7, thus avoiding the mate-in-three, but then the obvious queen capture in the main line, eve…

Lichess Feedback - Puzzle #2207- Just plain wrong#9

While it seems that indeed retreating the queen is the better move, those defending the knight capture on the grounds that it makes the problem deeper or more subtle are giving the machine too much cr…

Lichess Feedback - Puzzle #54840: better solution exits#10

First a disclaimer, when I check out these problems, I use a browser where I'm not registered in the cookies, so that I don't gain points from a correct solution. As far as the accepted solution, with…
