
anti afking feature for classic games

it can be pretty annoying if u play a long (15min+) game and ur opponent does a mistake and simply stops playing and let the time run out
i understand if someone has to go to the door or to toilette every now and then but its a bit stupid that his/her opponent then has to wait sometimes upwards of 10 minutes for the game to finish

some are even that unmannered that they wait like 10 sec before the time runs out and then do a move hoping that their enemy isnt present anymore and that they are the ones who win by their opponent's time running out

so: maybe it would be good in classical games to have some kind of "presents" check every minute or so (this could be optional and ticked off and on in the game creation options) like with the captchas so that he has to do the check within lets say 20 seconds otherwise he loses the game

its really dumb having to check every few minutes whether ur (allegedly afk) opponent made a move

im not saying that this feature would be the best idea but maybe i sparked someone's ideas and he or she comes up with a better way of preventing alleged afking
This is a problem with online chess that is never going to go away. The only solution is to be prepared to sit for the duration of a game you voluntarily entered. If you enter a fifteen-minute game, understand that you signed on for a half-hour of chess. Keep an audible move alert on, and study engames while you wait.
"its really dumb having to check every few minutes whether ur (allegedly afk) opponent made a move"

"having to check"


"really dumb"

"check every few minutes"


Block these persons and / or report to mods for unsportive behavior. Such a "checking system" would be pretty annoying, especially if sometimes you HAVE TO go for a few minutes.

In my practice I faced the problem you described, but it was really only a few cases, much less that the number of cheaters I played. So, win on time and just don't play these players anymore.
Some people I've played recently have taken this to a hilarious new depth... eg in a 1+0 bullet game, with 20 sec on the clock, they make a mouseslip or bad premove and then just let the clock run down (previously they had moved at nearly consistent speed)... that saya a lot about these people... "I'm going to make you waste 20 seconds of your life because I made a stupid mistake and you dared to pounce on it".
Well ... as a rookie I have to say: treat people the way you want to be treated ... be a jerk and expect nothing less in return to be honest oh btw 20 seconds is so valuable you should be able to sue him!
You can regard that precious twenty seconds as an opponent being resentful, or you can give the benefit of the doubt and regard it as an onset of paralysis due to shock and disbelief. But yeah, twenty seconds, I'd be calling my attorney. :/
Sarcasm rules - we all love it... but yeah, it's why I no longer play slower than 10+0 here. It's no a "loss of valuable time" per se, just annoying
I absolutely agree with owltuna. There's no convenient way to prevent it and you should just learn to deal with it.
Browser tabs and multi-tasking are the solution to this. Just do something else while your opponent wastes his own time. Doesn't bother me in the slightest.

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