
Search "user:game_spectator"

250 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Find the best move for white in this 2400+ game#1

Find the best move for white in this 2400+ game

General Chess Discussion - Find the best move for white in this 2400+ game#3

> 3+0 Do you say that 15 seconds to think is not enough?

General Chess Discussion - Find the best move for white in this 2400+ game#1 Black has the treat Ra1. Find the best move for white. (For those, who do not want to think: this move is in computer analysis. And sure, the white saw the threat with …

General Chess Discussion - find missed mate in 1 in this 2400+ game#8

@finlip obviously I speak about the game I posted, not you.

General Chess Discussion - find missed mate in 1 in this 2400+ game#6

@finlip it was not berserk

General Chess Discussion - Does the blitz 'metagame' seem to have moved to 'Play fast, Play weak'? Why is this?#5

@OhNoMyPants @Sarg0n @myle 2 things: A. increment in berserk games and B. advertising of time-incremented games may greatly improve the situation, that is, improve quality of quick games.

General Chess Discussion - Does the blitz 'metagame' seem to have moved to 'Play fast, Play weak'? Why is this?#4

You may remedy this to some extent by playing 3+2 instead of 5+0. As for me, I like to play 3+3. But note, that while playing 3+0 I sometimes forget this and play in wrong, 3+3 style. Another drawback…

General Chess Discussion - Another mating possibility for those who dislike mate by knights only#1

For this moment I host the team And now I found that may be not all the players like the style. So I think I should invent an alternative. I have heard th…

General Chess Discussion - is promoting all of your extra pawns to knights good sportsmanship in tournaments?#60

@Sarg0n do you really consider the position above as "worse style" ?

General Chess Discussion - is promoting all of your extra pawns to knights good sportsmanship in tournaments?#59

I just have read the neighbour thread So my next acheivment should be to mate by knights only in the middle of the board, not at …
