
June 18: Autistic Pride Day

I don't , but today happens to also be
'thinking I'm on the up swing day' and I'll be celebrating anything upto 9pm tonight ! phew. :).
my older daughter is on the spectrum. Man, I wish there were a better phrase to use. But since autism isn't a disease like mumps or C-19 or flu, I refuse to say she "has" autism. We noticed it when she was little, and we've taken her to all sorts of specialists. She goes to a vocational school for kids with learning disabilities, and she is progressing well. She functions at a pretty high level most of the time.
Thanks for sharing this information, salmon_rushdie
A sad but common misconception is that people with autism are not smart. Nothing could be further from the truth.
A few people you might have heard of who have autism or are thought to be autistic: Albert Einstein, Bill Gates, Charles Darwin,Emily Dickinson,Dan Aykroyd,Daryl Hannah,Bobby Fischer, Sir Henry Cavendish, Michelangelo, Sir Isaac Newton, Jerry Seinfeld, Nikola Tesla, Elon Musk, Leonardo da Vinci,van Gogh, Mozart, Edison, Ben Franklin, Henry Ford, Beethoven, Steven Spielberg, Alexander Graham Bell, Alfred Hitchcock,Bob Dylan, James Taylor,John Denver, Samuel Clemens, George Orwell, Charles Schulz, Carl Jung ,Lionel Messi.
Autistic individuals are often quite focused and intelligent and have made many fine contributions to both science and the arts.
I dont get it.
Proud to be autistic or you are referring to gay autistic?

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