

Why can't Anons play?
Because it was easier to develop the first version knowing that the players have a name. I will probably come to it later.
I do wish the tournaments were more suited to longer games. Even something as short as 15+5 would rarely get more than 2 games per person in when the max limit is 60 minutes.
And for that matter the slowest game you can even do is 10+2. Any intention of adding a non-blitz tournament mode?
it would last hours. I don't see it possible on Internet.
Its a nice feature other sites want you to pay the play more than 3 a week. The problem is though, on this site I lag to much to play quick games. If I play one minute I am out of time and the other person has 40 seconds left, this is with me premoving at least half my moves. Hopefully longer games will get more popular with the extra people it will bring.

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