
Could this Guy be 2752 Fide Rating?

like in his profile says? I doubt it, BUT, he is 1800 here , but he won higest rated played 2200 (almost first 5 there are 2200) , so maybe there is something special about it
@aVague said in #1:
> like in his profile says? I doubt it, BUT, he is 1800 here , but he won higest rated played 2200 (almost first 5 there are 2200) , so maybe there is something special about it

No offense, but did your brain cells died?
@rimac_c2 said in #3:
> No offense, but did your brain cells died?
oh u re the one among these liars, sorry to disturb u, "ur majestry"
@aVague said in #1:
> like in his profile says? I doubt it, BUT, he is 1800 here , but he won higest rated played 2200 (almost first 5 there are 2200) , so maybe there is something special about it

Putting your FIDE elo is based on the honesty policy. I could easily put mine to 3000 right now, there's a 99.9999999% chance he's not 2750 fide.
@GabeMiami17 said in #5:
> Putting your FIDE elo is based on the honesty policy. I could easily put mine to 3000 right now, there's a 99.9999999% chance he's not 2750 fide.
Totally agreed with you Gabemiami. It's about honesty. Also I'm sure he don't have much rating.
@The_Fatal_Flame said in #7:
> I think he is not even a 2000 player.
yeah, I just found strange he won 2200 5 times and near that., Often 1800 players don't have such best wins
@aVague said in #8:
> yeah, I just found strange he won 2200 5 times and near that., Often 1800 players don't have such best wins

If he really is 1800 lichess he should be 1350-1500 fide
@aVague said in #8:
> yeah, I just found strange he won 2200 5 times and near that., Often 1800 players don't have such best wins
Maybe sandbagging or something. but not sure. Anyway it can happen.

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