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18 forum posts
Game analysis - Doubt about trading.#5

Sorry too motion, I failed to understand the question well. I answered thinking in the move Bxe6 by white jajajja. That´s why I was talking that after fxe6, the d5 square is not available for white. O…

Game analysis - You vs Stockfish 1,Checkmate in the smallest number of moves,submit Your game#34 In 17

Game analysis - Never surrender!#13

Resigning in chess is also a matter of levels

Game analysis - Doubt about trading.#3

the thing is that he will be able to cover the d5 with the pawn, and it´s an important square for white (as you see in the game). In general, double pawns in the center are often good in the middle ga…

Game analysis - Flawless Caro-Kann game #7

You played ok, but your opponent make several mistakes, quite clearly he moved a lot of pawns in the firsts moves, which give´s black a confortable game. gg

Game analysis - Looking for Feedback#8

About the comp analysis, you CAN´T think in playing like an engine, (not me either), so even if you think you played a good game looking at the valorations, in my opinion this is not true 100%. The co…

Game analysis - Looking for Feedback#7

Not bad. Just point out, a6 in that position, not sure. The idea is fine, but I think you should carry on with depelopment first, you can play a6 later. If white opens up the center fast, sometimes yo…

Game analysis - Halosar Trap fail#2

why did you play Nxc7?
