
Search "user:matabichos26"

680 forum posts
Community Blog Discussions - Science of Chess (kinda?): Viih_Sou's 2. Ra3?? and a modest research proposal#9

Inmediately after the read i played vs stockfish 4 and lost with black. I mean thats mean

Off-Topic Discussion - May the 4th be with you !#11

May the 5th also be with u!

Off-Topic Discussion - Off Topic threads are getting boring#24

Now i cant sleep unless i get an answer to Who is stronger: Walrus or Elephant?

Community Blog Discussions - Lichess Game of the Month: March 24#12

A game worth the prize. Congrats!

General Chess Discussion - Lichess Game of the Month February - Contest#199

A hot Sicilian with white after saccing a bishop on turn 14; many pins

Community Blog Discussions - Ecstasy and Agony in the 6.Bc4 Najdorf#5

As a Najdorf player with white and black I love this article. I would need a ton of time though to "eat" it fully. Thanks for writing

Off-Topic Discussion - Post Something Scary#10

If I would post my life, you would need to run away instantly in horror. So I don't

General Chess Discussion - What are the little logo things on peoples acc that lichess added for some players?#28

@MouseSlip said in #27: > Oh no, I lost rating. Must've picked the wrong flair. Be VERY CAUTIOUS when you pick yours, I learned it the hard way. Maybe it's your user name not your flair ;-)

Community Blog Discussions - #27: Why isn't chess popular in Japan?#32

The Go table (in the Go table pic) looks like a mouse (or a Dedenne if u r into Pokemon)

Community Blog Discussions - Why You Should Never Offer A Draw#80

I prefer GM draws (3fold rep) which I find often in funny lines
