
Search "user:NoviceChess-Youtube"

22 forum posts
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Lichess Feedback - And two more servers!#13

Congrats! Glad to hear it!

General Chess Discussion - Beginner on Lichess, should I just jump in?#6

Studying and implementing opening principles will definitely boost your rating, followed by tactical training. The point of the opening is to optimize your pieces for the middlegame, while establishin…

General Chess Discussion - Novice Chess Analysis (with FM Zibbit)#3

Ah, good eye! I didn't notice that. There does seem to be a slight stretching effect. Possibly an encoding issue? I'll ask when I get the chance.

General Chess Discussion - Novice Chess Analysis (with FM Zibbit)#1

Hello all! Here's an instructive video for beginners- FM Zibbit plays against novice players and includes post-game analysis- All feedback appreciated!

Lichess Feedback - Attaching or detecting links to past tournaments#3

An allowance of multiple perspectives of the same tournament... It would provide a vehicle for cross-promotion, as well as encouraging collaboration and content creation in the chess community. :)

Lichess Feedback - Attaching or detecting links to past tournaments#2

Ah, brilliant!

Game analysis - Big Boys on ICC#3

Nice games!

Lichess Feedback - Suggestion: Opt-in sides/teams for tournaments.#1

Hello! I was wondering if it was possible to implement opting into pre-determined teams/sides for tournaments. This would allow tournaments that were more theme-based. Tournament creators would be all…

Lichess Feedback - suggestion: choosing white's side in tactics training mode#2

Ah, a board switch feature in tactics trainer...I like it!
