
Search "user:NoThinkingAllowed"

34 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Hardest Mate In 1 Puzzle Ever.#2

I left stockfish on... I'm a sad man...

General Chess Discussion - Trapping Chess#3

that would stop almost all checks... just trap a square the piece will go over whilst nabbing your king and knights move in such a weird way that it's undefined how they move, which squares they go 'o…

General Chess Discussion - Switching between variations#4

I would like to see the game in which you did that... lol

General Chess Discussion - Take back ettiquette#5

yeah, I agree with #2, there was an obvious blunder in my game here, i let him take it back so you wont see it, He almost moved his other rook to e8, and after the t…

General Chess Discussion - Interesting puzzle...#1

It's possible for white to force a draw from this position, let me know if you got it and what you think!

General Chess Discussion - Three Dimensional Chess?#2

First off, watch the language. Second, the moves would be almost exactly the same, but up and down variants, but this would be very hard to implement on lichess because it requires 3D rendering, and p…

General Chess Discussion - Puzzle Problems...#1

i knew how to force mate, and there was a certain point where it made me lose because i missed a mate in 1 and tried a mate in 3, when you are supposed to push the pawn i tried Qg5, followed by Kh7, Q…

General Chess Discussion - Emotions#11

start saying the word 'Welp'

General Chess Discussion - Running down the clock but not on purpose#7

the basic answer, yes it IS possible for it to be a technical glitch. this was the main question, #6. and if they do it on purpose, well, it's probably because they are losing.

General Chess Discussion - Running down the clock but not on purpose#5

#4 its because of your internet connection. what you should see is something up top saying something like 'reconnecting', and 'unable to connect', it should be shown in red. this is how you would know.
