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38 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Crazy(house) chauvinism why?#23

It's simple really. They should decide a budget for how much of the tournament schedule is dictated by popularity (e.g. 80% is scheduled according to popularity) and the remainder is done to their tas…

Lichess Feedback - Crazy(house) chauvinism why?#22

Just to be clear, I think LiChess should show some favoritism using their judgment, but should make room for popular demand too. They should be able to fit both into the tournament schedule coming to …

Lichess Feedback - Please do not display the material balance state of the game#15

It's clearly better for training purposes to not display it, or even the pieces next to the board. You should know the count or at least see it on the board, as that would be ideal when playing OTB. W…

Lichess Feedback - Crazy(house) chauvinism why?#11

Creative works such as this site should have personality. I for one hope the developers take risks and try to popularize things they think are genuinely interesting, things they can get passionate abo…

General Chess Discussion - Why the Opposition to Draws?#47

This convo is hillaryous. If you offer a draw once, you're a quitter and I will never play with you again. But if you resign... you're not a quitter? First of all, site shouldn't show you a draw offer…

General Chess Discussion - Quiting chess #2

This is exactly why chess is the game for everyone. If you can't face your demons in chess, you will be even weaker facing them in life.

Lichess Feedback - Learn from your mistakes.#31

It's a good idea and skillfully done, but waiting so long for a depth of 18 to generate on every move I try is still not as good as doing it myself. If I am right or wrong there isn't a convenient way…

Lichess Feedback - Universal Rating System (USR)#8

If it's as good as they say it is, then we'll all want it. But the announcement you linked is nothing more than promises of wuality and credibility, not any demonstration of them. For now we can only …

General Chess Discussion - What ELO are the various Stockfish levels?#4

The computers on lichess are playing a lot of people. Could rste them.

Lichess Feedback - Request: search games by ECO code to make Chess Insights useful#4

When it says how many moves/games a stat is based on it should link a list of those games, and clicking on the game should open up the game in analysis, directly to the move, highlighted.
